NEW: Brochure describing all major current products in detail

Workshops / Inspections

06. MAR – 07. MAR  Lectures in tree-safety assessment  Stavanger, ISA Norway  Norway
18. MAR – 20. MAR  Vortrag und Workshop:
technische Baumuntersuchung, Bohrwiderstandsmessungen
Jena, DERITEC Baum & Boden Seminar  Germany
24. MAR – 25. MAR  Jahrringanalyse  Altdorf-Prackenfels  Germany
31. MAR – 01. APR  Tree-Ring-Analysis for Tree-Experts (fully booked)  RINNTECH, Heidelberg  Germany
07. APR  Forst-Baum-Schulung  Forst-BW, Königsbronn  Germany
10. APR – 11. APR  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  New England Chapter
Garden at Elm Bank in the Parkman Room
900 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA 02482, USA  
14. APR – 15. APR  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Ontario CA ISA  Canada
17. APR – 18. APR  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Quebec Chapter ISA
Centre Access, Room 208-209
6500 Arthur-Sauve Blvd., Laval (QC)  
23. APR – 24. APR  Forst-Baum-Schulung  Karlsruhe  Germany
14. MAY – 15. MAY  Zugversuche, Allometrische Selbstreferenzierung,
BAUMPRAXIS, Schloss Dyck  Germany
12. JUN – 13. JUN  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Cleveland  USA
16. JUN – 17. JUN  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Minnesota  USA
04. JUL  Lecture Technical tree safety inspection  Milano  Italy
17. JUL – 18. JUL  Technische Baumsicherheitsuntersuchung  Altdorf-Prackenfels  Germany
22. SEP – 24. SEP  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Saint Louis  USA
26. SEP – 27. SEP  Tree Safety Inspection with Chris Luley  Baton rouge (Louisiana/USA)  USA
09. OCT  Vortrag Technische Baum-Sicherheitsuntersuchung  Waiblingen  Germany
10. OCT – 11. OCT  Technical tree safety inspection (Drilling, Sounding,
Pulling, Allometric Self-Referencing)  
Milano Dendro-Tec Workshop  Italy

Products and services for tree and wood analysis

At RINNTECH we have many years of experience and numerous patents as users and developers in the field of tree and wood analysis. This enables us to offer you well-engineered technology and comprehensive services for your requirements concerning:

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Multiple awards

Products developed
by Frank Rinn:

Frank Rinn holds a degree in physics and is the owner of RINNTECH, a technical expert, researcher and manufacturer.
